Breaking Down Beauty Buzz Words

Why “Clean” Beauty Should Be More Honest

Our skin is the biggest organ on our bodies, which warrants us an excuse as to why we should be hyper-aware of what we’re putting on it. Today, however, we’re inundated with buzz words when we walk down beauty isles in local pharmacies, sephora, or even when we’re browsing skincare brands online. We see words like “vegan”, “organic”, “clean”, and “non-toxic” – but what do these words really mean, and are we being schemed by all those marketing gurus across across the globe, more specifically in America? 

I figured it would be useful for you all if I spent some time researching what these words really mean for consumers, and how we can educate ourselves to learn the differences in order to make smarter choices about what we put on our faces and bodies. I found a really helpful article published by Glamour Magazine that I would recommend taking a look at. So, let’s break it down by the words we’re so accustomed to seeing, but in actuality know very little about:

Vegan – Technically, there’s no legal regulation on any products that are labeled as vegan, so it’s important to always do the research on brands you’re curious about trying and find out what those brands stand behind. One of the best ways to tell if a product is, in fact, vegan, is to look for the Vegan Society Logo or the Cruelty-Free Leaping Bunny logo. Both of these logos certify that the ingredients found within these beauty products have never been tested on animals. Additionally, the Leaping Bunny logo is an international symbol that guarantees there was no animal testing when creating the product. One important thing to note is that even if a product is vegan or cruelty-free, it does not mean there aren’t synthesized ingredients made in laboratories to use in place of animal ingredients. 

Organic – Let’s just say this buzz word for clean beauty should not be taken too seriously. Products labeled “organic” only need to contain a small amount of organic ingredients to be able to call themselves organic… I know, super disappointing. As a work-around, you should always check for a Soil Association Organic logo, which ensures that the product at hand is manufactured using organically-farmed ingredients that are not tested on animals, and are also free from parabens, harsh chemicals, artificial fragrances, and synthetic dyes. 

Clean – A product that is labeled “clean” means that it is free from artificial coloring, synthetic fragrances, petroleum derivatives, pesticides, parabens, phthalates, silicones, and sulphates. Always check the ingredients listed at the end of the product ingredient label to see if any of the above are listed in italics, as that’s where you’ll usually find these “non-clean” ingredients. Tricky, I know. Seems like they do this on purpose. 

Non-Toxic – Did you know that your skin cab absorb 60-80% of whatever you put on it? This statistic definitely makes you want to avoid putting anything toxic on your face or body, doesn’t it? So it’s natural that when we’re looking for a product, when we see the word “non-toxic” our faces light up. But, unfortunately the term “non-toxic” isn’t even regulated by the FDA, so it really means whatever the creator of a certain beauty product deems as nontoxic. Kind of cruel, right? Another reason why it’s incredibly important to always read through the ingredients of every single product you’re thinking about putting on your skin. 

We live in a time where we have got to put in the work and do more research on what we’re buying. If we don’t, we’re just giving away our money to brands that are harming not only the environment, but our own selves. I’ve said this before, but it’s important for you all to know that I do my own research and try-out products on myself for at least two weeks before sharing anything on social media. I also make sure they are products I truly love and will continue to use. But now more than ever, as we face scary circumstances like pandemics and climate change, it’s important for us to do the research, read the ingredients, and become AWARE of the brands and products we stand behind. It’s the only way we can move towards a more sustainable, “clean” future.

X kt