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How to Decorate Your Home Without Breaking the Bank

How to Decorate Your Home Without Breaking the Bank 

In New York City, it seems like everything is expensive. From food and coffee, to rent and basic living needs, things here feel just a little more pricey than everywhere else. That’s why when Brian and I decided to move in together, we made a pact that we would not let decorating our apartment become a crazy expense. In order to do so, we had to plan in advance on ways we could save money but still end up with the apartment aesthetic of our dreams.

I’m at the point in my life where I have to think of ways to save so I can one day make a big purchase like buying an apartment, or even going to graduate school. Saving is something that I prioritize, which is why I wanted to decorate conscientiously this time around. Here are a few things that helped us save money throughout our entire home decorating process:

  1. Furniture subscription - First, we subscribed to Feather, a rental furniture service that allows you to pay a monthly fee for high-quality furnishings that you can always trade in. I wish Feather had existed when I first moved into the city because all of the old furniture that I bought to fit my previous apartment is now either sitting in my parent’s garage, or was pawned off to the tenets who took over my lease. With Feather, all you have to do is pick out pieces of furniture you love on their website, and they will be delivered and assembled within seven days for free. From there, you have the option to swap out items, buy them if you decide they’re great pieces that can move with you forever, or return them at the end of your subscription term if you don’t feel they are necessary. So it’s not only a great way to save money, but it’s beneficial for the environment too. With Feather, you don’t have to throw away furniture that doesn’t fit in your new space each time you move (which creates an insane amount of detrimental waste each year). Plus, it’s nice to know that I can furnish my place with pieces I love without having to commit to them long-term.

  2. Organizational tips - Organization was also top of mind when it came to saving money and making the most use of space in our new apartment. When your home is organized, you’re able to find things so much more quickly and easily (so you won’t be consistently buying items you already own), and you actually wind-up using the things you have more often. Brian and I had a huge Marie Kondo moment before we moved all our old items into our new place, and I’m so glad we did because our home feels clean and peaceful without the clutter from our old apartments. I also started following some of the most impressive organizers for their tips and tricks on how to stay organized in a small space. My favorites include: Imagine it Done, Better Than B4, and Twice as Organized (the most adorable, tidy twins that I ended up hiring a few weeks ago to help me organize my closet)! I highly recommend following all of these ladies, they will completely inspire you to organize your home or apartment, and in turn save a lot of time and money.

  3. Amazon - When it came to decorating our new place, Amazon was my go-to for smaller decor items that helped make our apartment feel like home. It does take some time searching through items and reading reviews, but Amazon has unbeatable deals. I opted to search for dual-purpose items, like pretty woven baskets that double as blanket and pillow storage, to further help us budget and make the best use of our space. Amazon is also a great place to find things like shoe organizers and clothing racks to help you stay organized (like this $26 clothing rack that is life-changing when it comes to planning and visualizing my outfits each week). 

  4. Personal Touches - Last but not least, I encourage you to decorate with personal items or mementos that you already have and find meaning in. Maybe they’re currently hidden in boxes under your bed, or shoved somewhere in the back of your closet — but gifts or travel souvenirs that remind you of a friend or an incredible trip you went on are great for bringing personality and creativity into your home décor. These items not only help you save money on decorating, but they help turn your house into a home full of stories.

When all is said and done, the way you decide to furnish your home or apartment is completely up to you. But if you plan ahead, there are plenty of ways to creatively decorate the apartment or house of your dreams without breaking the bank.  

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