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Hi Smile Teeth

Hi Smile Kit / Pajamas: Bed Head

Photography by Meg Niemann | @MSNPhotography

I don’t know a soul that doesn’t want whiter teeth. When I first heard about Hi Smile Teeth I completely blew it off. I thought there are a million teeth whitening brands…. What could possible be so different about this one? But, I have to say I was completely wrong. I decided finally to give Hi Smile a chance, and it really works! My teeth were significantly whiter within ten minutes.

Ever since I started blogging I have been considerably more conscious of my teeth. I am constantly taking photos and smiling, so of course I want my teeth to be white at all times. Hi Smile has definitely become my solution!

Hi Smile has crafted a formula that uses 3 Primary Whitening Agents to ensure maximum results and assist in gently whitening all inner and outer tooth stains. Their gel was designed to optimize all of its whitening effects within only 10 minutes whilst maintaining no damage to the tooth’s enamel.

And what’s even better is that through their unique formulation they have also been able to ensure that no tooth erosion occurs and that the tooth’s enamel is not damaged in the process…. Sounds pretty good to me!

For more on Hi Smile visit their website here, and start smiling!

X kt