Top 10 Tips for Building Your Personal Brand

Building a Brand You’ve Always Dreamed About 

As we reflect on our lives throughout these unprecedented times, many of us are starting to find ways to commit to work to that brings more meaning to our lives. I’ve found myself in more conversations these past few weeks than I ever had before about how to start a business and pursuit a passionate career. Also, with what seems like time on our side as we continue to quarantine, I’ve noticed so many people have decided to take the plunge into building a brand of their dreams.   


First, I want to say that there’s ALWAYS room for more. More blogs, more businesses, more creativity, more work that homes from the heart. I truly believe that no industry is ever too saturated for more passion. It makes my heart sing to hear that people are taking this time to focus on creating brands they’ve always wanted to. Jumping into the unknown is not easy, but when it comes from a place of passion and goodwill, it’ll be the most rewarding thing you ever do (at least it was for me!).  


When I started Honestly Kate, my main goal was to create a platform that could inspire others and encourage them to curate their own path and pursue their passions. To show people that anything is possible if it’s something you truly value. That’s why I wanted to take some time today to share my top 10 tips for starting a brand:


  1. Realize that success does not happen overnight. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and neither was a brand. Sure, some people may have quick, unexpected business successes throughout their careers, but that is extremely rare. Building a brand takes dedication and hard work it is not easy. Be prepared for the journey. You will have to work the hardest you ever had, especially if you’re building something from the ground up. Know that some days you will want to quit. Don’t. Keep pushing. Growth is not linear, but it is worth it. 

  2. Always remember your why. This is perhaps one of the most important pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten. If you remember your why, you can find the courage and light to keep going, no matter how hard things get. Your why is the reason you started, it’s your passion. Before you start a brand of your own find your why, and make sure it’s something that you truly believe in. Then remember it each day. 

  3. Know your value. What value does your brand bring to the world? Discover how your brand can make a difference. I would also recommend finding your brand’s place in the digital age. Before you start a brand, it’s important to recognize the value your brand can to bring people. And perhaps it’s just as important to figure out how you can showcase that value to a target audience.   

  4. Know your audience. Your audience is one of the main reasons your brand exists. Don’t be afraid to get to know them! Ask your audience questions and find out why they began to follow you. Knowing your audience will help you find ways to effectively message, and it will help to shed light on how others are perceiving your brand.

  5. Constantly connect. Even if you have a small amount of followers (because chances are, when you first start out you will only have a few). Make sure you take the time to get to know who those people are. They should feel they are getting the love they deserve from you. Connecting with your audience is key for any brand’s success, so don’t slack on this one!

  6. Stay consistent. Another piece of advice you’ve probably heard before, because it’s true, is that consistency is key. Be consistent with your posting schedule, with your overall theme and aesthetic, and with the way you message. Everything that encompasses a brand’s identity should be cohesive and consistent. Even if you want to try out things like different cameras angles, or new colors or styles, I recommend gauging what your audience has reacted best to, and use that data to help guide the decisions you make for your brand. 

  7. Know your worth. This one is especially tough when you’re first starting out because it takes a while to navigate how to run a business and make good financial decisions. But it’s important to listen to your gut and seek advice from professionals and others in your field. If you think you’re doing something for way less money than you would have anticipated, you should say something. Remember your unique value offering and be diligent when it comes to running your business. This is your creativity, your passion, your vision, your career – and you are worth it.

  8. Don’t be afraid to change your original vision. I know, this can kind of sound the opposite of “stay consistent”, but it’s important to know it’s okay to change things, especially as it pertains to what brings value to yourself and your target audience. What we’re going through right now is a perfect example – brands are pivoting their messaging, their tone, and sometimes their product so that their audience can still find ways to see value in that brand. Everything is different, and when things change in the world, so can your original vision.

  9. Remember that not everyone will love what you are doing. A brutal truth, but an important reality. Not everyone is going to support you because everyone has different values. I love the saying, “be something for someone, but don’t try to be everything for everyone.”

  10. Never stop asking questions. One of my favorite pieces of advice! Asking questions means you are constantly learning, and to learn is to grow. So learn as much as you possible can about the field your brand is in, and the people who are most successful in it. Ask them questions! Don’t be afraid to reach out. You’ll be surprised by the amount of people who want to help you along your journey, and that’s a beautiful reality of the world we’re living in, especially today.

    X kt